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In this lesson we’re looking at different book genres in English.

There is lots of vocabulary to read and learn in this lesson, make sure that you’ve understood all the vocabulary in bold before trying the quizzes below.

Have fun with the lesson!

– James.

Lesson Contents

Text: What's in a Thriller?

If you like enigmas, surprises and hidden chambers, then you might want to pick up a thriller. The stories are lightning-paced, and you risk becoming breathless when you read a thriller. Some have intelligent stories about clandestine characters plunged into impossible situations.

Text: What's in a Fantasy?

What an adventure when you crack open a good fantasy book. Follow the stories of brave dwarves, clever hobbits, and wizards casting spells, and conjuring demons. Magical incantations play a big part in this alternate dimension. Even the supernatural exists in a fantasy! If you want to experience epic battles between orcs and heroes, you’re in the right place.

Text: What's in a Romance?

Sexual tension between a handsome man and a beautiful woman is rife in this genre. If you find sexual tension entertaining, you should grab a romance novel. There is always risk involved in these stories, as well as implicit language, provocative stories, and emotional plots. The stories often end with an engagement, and a passionate uproar!

Text: What's in a Horror?

Stories designed to terrify and shock are in the horror genre. Ghouls and phantasms are waiting to frighten and confuse you! If you’re looking for a story with repulsive monstrosities and demonic possession, you should pick up a horror book now!

Text: What's in a Biography?

If you have a favourite celebrity, you should check if they’ve got a biography. Read about their history, from their childhood to their rise to fame. Many artists have written autobiographies about their early years, and how they became public figures. Many biographers write about the life and times of current celebrities, so that readers have a deeper understanding. Family members also write biographies and share anecdotes through their objectivity.

Listen to the short excerpts of audio books and choose the correct genre. Listen carefully to the vocabulary that is used to help you decide.

Read the vocabulary sets and place them next to the corresponding genre.

Read the short extracts from backs of novels, and decide the genre of the book.

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