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Compound Nouns and Adjectives

In this lesson we’re looking at creating compound nouns and adjectives in English.

Have fun with the lesson, and don’t forget to try the quizzes.

– James.

Forming compound nouns

In English we can add two words together to make a new noun. For example:

A change in climate means a change in lifestyle. 
life + style = lifestyle

Compound nouns can be created may ways:

  • NOUN + NOUN:

We were waiting ages at the bus stop


I wrote an example on the whiteboard.


Do you know if there’s a swimming pool near here?

  • NOUN + VERB:

Wow! I love your hairstyle!

With compound nouns, there are no rules wether the nouns are together, separated by a space, or separated by a hyphen.  You’ll have to use a dictionary if you want to find out.

Match the halves of the compound words.

  1. Question 1 of 2


    Sort elements
    • burned
    • alarm
    • long
    • looking
    • sick
    • sun
      • good
        • life
          • car
            • home

            Forming compound adjectives

            Compound adjectives can be formed in many different ways:

            • NUMBER + NOUN (five-minute, twenty-page, ten-storey)
            • ADJECTIVE + NOUN (short-term, high-quality, last minute)
            • ADJECTIVE + VERB+ING (good-looking, long-lasting, quick-thinking)
            • NOUN + VERB+ING (mouth-watering, record-breaking, English-speaking)
            • NOUN + ADJECTIVE (world-famous, smoke-free, ice-cold)
            • NOUN + PAST PARTICIPLE (solar-powered, middle-aged, sun-dried)
            • ADVERB + PAST PARTICIPLE (brightly-lit, well-known, highly-respected)
            • ADJECTIVE + PAST PARTICIPLE (old-fashioned, ready-made, short lived)

            The vast majority of compound adjectives are separated by hyphens.

            Read the definitions of compound words below, and place the correct compound words next to them.

            1. Question 1 of 1


              Sort elements
              • Food court
              • Fire escape
              • Vegetarian food
              • Vegetable garden
              • Garden vegetable
              • Fire alarm
              • Third-party
              • Escape room
              • A large area where food is served
                • A garden in which vegetables are grown
                  • A set of stairs that allow people to retreat from a burning building
                    • An entity less directly involved than others
                      • A vegetable that was grown in a garden
                        • A game where people solve puzzles
                          • Food that does not include meat
                            • A device that makes noise when it detects smoke

                            Complete the conversations using compound words.

                            backpack cat food house plants jet lag landmark
                            nature lover nightflights six-day trek sleeping bag well-known


                            1. Question 1 of 1


                              • David: Hi Sam! Getting ready for your trek?

                                Sam: Yes, I am. I’m really excited. I’m flying tonight.

                                D: are better for the . Is your ready?

                                S: Oh, yes. Full to the brim. I’ll need a spare though, have you got one?

                                D: No, sorry I don’t. I’m not much of a to be honest.

                                S: No problem. I’ll find one when I get to Peru.

                                D: So what’s the first trek?

                                S: It’s a from Salcantay to Machu Piccu. Have you heard of that place?

                                D: Machu Piccu? Of course, it’s a .

                                S: Oh, I forgot to ask! Would you mind feeding my cat, and watering my ?

                                D: No problem, do you have enough for two weeks?

                                S: Yeah, I’ve got plenty. Here’s my spare key. Thanks, Dave.

                                D: No prob, Sam. Have a great time.

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