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Welcome to your “Even” lesson! In this topic we talk about:
• Using “Even”
Placing “Even”
• “Even” + comparative
“Even though” / “Even if” / “Even when”
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Using “Even”

Have a look at this example:

“Sarah loves chocolate, she eats it all the time. She eats it in the afternoon, in the evening, even in the morning.”

We use “even” to say that something is surprising or unusual. It isn’t normal to eat chocolate in the morning. Here are some more examples:

“I always wear socks – even in bed.”

“The restaurant was terrible. Even I can cook better.”

“Nobody knew that she had a new job, not even her sister.”

Placing “Even”

Often we place “even” in the middle of a sentence:

“She’s tasted a lot of different food. She’s even tasted lion meat.”

“They’ve been all over the world, even to Siberia.”

Here are some examples with “Not even”:

“She”s not a good cook. She can’t even make toast.”

“He’s so fit, he’s just swum for thirty minutes and he’s not even out of breath!”

“Even” + comparative

You can use “even” with comparatives:

“I was quick, but Sam was even quicker.”

“I was surprised when you said you were getting married, I was even more surprised when you told me to whom!”

“Even though” / “Even if” / “Even when”

You can use “Even though” / “Even if” / “Even when” + subject + verb:

Even though she doesn’t live by the sea, she bought a boat.”

“I can’t open the jar, even if I use a tea-towel.”

“He never cries, even when he’s sad.”

You cannot use “even” in this way:

“He never cries, even he’s sad.”

Compare “Even if” and “if”:

“We’ll go shopping later, even if it’s raining.”

“We won’t go shopping if it’s raining.”

Useful Links

Conditionals: “When” & “If”
“Although” / “Though” / “Even though” / “In spite of”

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