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Speak like a native

In this lesson we’re looking at sounding like a native when speaking in English.

To sound as fluent as you possibly can, you should learn to use phrasal verbs as much as possible. We’ll start off with a quick grammar lesson, then we’ll look at some vocabulary. 

Have fun with the lesson, and don’t forget to try the quizzes.

– James.

Lesson Contents

Section title

A single phrasal verb can be used to mean lots of different things. Let’s look at take in:

Stephanie is always taking in stray dogs. 
take in = bring home

My shirt is too big, I need to take it in. 
take in = reduce a garment’s size

We can say that the two above meanings are literal, because the verb take gives an idea of touch, or movement. Now, let’s look at these examples:

I was completely taken in by his lies. 
take in = believe a story

They like to take in a few galleries when they visit New York. 
take in = enjoy looking at something

The two above examples are more metaphorical than literal, as take in is not used for something physical as the base verb take would suggest.

Phrasal Verb Vocabulary

Here are the phrasal verbs that we’re going to look at during this lesson:

be up to = do something questionable or unknown 

get on with = relate well with someone / continue to do 
get up = get out of bed / stand up 

get up to = do / arrive at a point in a book 
get through to = communicate with someone in a meaningful way 
get back = get revenge 

give away = give something to a charity / reveal a secret 
give up = abandon a project or hobby 

go down with = become ill / appreciate 
go in for = take part in something / enjoy something 
go away = tell someone to leave 

hand in = give to someone for examination or approval 
hand over = give up control of something or someone 

keep on = continue to do something non-stop 
keep away = stay distant 

put down = write information / talk negatively about someone / lower 
put up = allow someone to stay at your house / rise

see off = say goodbye to someone leaving at a station or airport 

settle in = become comfortable in a new house / flat 
settle down = calm down / stop making noise 

use up = use all of something 

work out = calculate / exercise 
work up = trigger an emotion or feeling 

write down = note something quickly 

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct missing phrasal verb.

Complete the sentences by combining the two halves.

Listen to the sentences, and choose the correct response.

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