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Using Key Words with Extra Information Relative Clauses

Welcome to your Using Key Words with Extra Information Relative Clauses lesson! In this topic we talk about:
• Using prepositions with “Whom” / “Which”
“All of” / “Most of” + “Whom” / “Which”
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Using prepositions with “Whom” / “Which”

You can use a preposition before “whom” or “which”. Here are a few examples:

James, to whom I wrote the letter, was very rude in his response.”

Luckily we had some water, without which we surely would have died.”

In informal English, we often put the preposition after the verb in a relative clause. When we do this, we normally use “who” instead of “whom”:

This is my friend James, who I told you about.”

I visited the theatre yesterday, which I’d never been to before.

“All of” / “Most of” + “Whom” / “Which”

Have a look at these examples:

Steve has three daughters. All of them live in France.”
(two sentences)

Steve has three daughters, all of which live in France.”
(one sentence)


The told me a lot of things. Most of them were lies.”
(two sentences)

They told me a lot of things, most of which were lies.”
(one sentence)

You can also use the following before “whom” or “which”:

none of / neither of / any of / either of
some of / many of / much of / (a) few of
both of / half of / each of / one of / two of

I’ve listened to all of their songs, some of which I love.”

He tried on three pairs of shoes, none of which fitted him.”

They have two sisters, both of which are married.”

You can also say “the cause of which”, “the name of which” etc:

We went to a great restaurant, the name of which I can’t remember.

There was a terrible car accident, the cause of which has not been established yet.


Have a look at these examples:

They got married. This surprised everyone.”
(two sentences)

They got married which surprised everyone.”
(one sentence)

In this example, “Which” means “the fact that they got married”. “Which” must be used in these sentences, not “What”:

Bob couldn’t come to the picnic, which was a pity.”

It started to rain, which we didn’t expect.”

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