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Welcome to your VERB + OBJECT + TO + VERB lesson! In this topic we talk about:
• Infinitives with and without objects
Infinitives with objects
“Advise”, “Allow” and “Recommend”
“Let” and “Make”
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Infinitives with and without objects

Here are a few verbs that we’re going to look at:

ask beg expect help
mean want would like would prefer

These verbs can be followed by “to + verb”. They can also be used with or without objects:

verb + to + verb verb + object + to + verb

We expected to be early.

We expected James to be early.”

Would you like to eat breakfast?

Would you like me to eat your breakfast?

I don’t want to know.”

I don’t want anyone to know.”

Infinitives with objects

Here is a list of verbs:

enable encourage force get invite order
persuade remind teach tell warn

These verbs can be the first verb in the structure “verb + object + to + verb”:

“Can you remind me to take the cat out?”

“They encouraged their son to work hard.”

“We persuaded him to reduce the price.”

Here is an example using the passive:

“She was warned not to eat the chili.”

“Suggest” cannot be used in this form:

 “Marie suggested that I should ask you for help.”
(not “Jane suggested me to ask…”)

“Advise”, “Allow” and “Recommend”

These verbs can be used in the form “verb + verb+ing” and “verb + object + to + verb”:

verb + verb+ing verb + object + to + verb

“They don’t allow smoking in this restaurant.”

“They don’t allow people to smoke in this restaurant.”

“I wouldn’t advise eating in this restaurant.”

“I wouldn’t advise anyone to eat in this restaurant.”

Here is an example using the passive:

Smoking isn’t allowed in this restaurant.”

You aren’t allowed to smoke in this restaurant.”

“Let” and “Make”

These two verbs have the structure “verb + object + verb” (without “to”):

“I made him promise that he would call his mother more often.”

“A good English breakfast makes me feel tired.”

Let me get you a drink.”

We say “make someone do” (without “to”) but be careful with the passive form “be made to do” (with “to”):

Active sentence
“They made us wait for three hours.”

Passive sentence
“We were made to wait for three hours.”

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