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The Elves and the Shoemaker

This is a classic Christmas story. Read the story and then try the quiz below. If you want to print the screen, use the print button on the right →

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Jo was a shoemaker who lived with his wife Margaret. They were very poor. One day, there was no more leather left. Jo had no more material to make shoes. Hungry and sad, they went to bed.

When they woke up the next day, Jo and Margaret found a new pair of beautiful shoes. They wondered where these shoes had come from. A man saw the shining shoes and bought them at a good price. Jo was very happy. Margaret and Jo had a big meal that night. The next morning, when Jo went to his workshop, he saw another pair of new shoes. He told his wife the good news. Margaret was surprised and happy but very confused. The two decided to see who was being so nice to them.

In the middle of the night, when everybody else was asleep, Jo and Margaret waited secretly in the workshop. At midnight, they saw two elves! The elves were busy at work, making shoes for them. By morning, they had made many new shoes. Jo and Margaret were filled with happiness. When they saw the elves had nothing to wear they decided to make new, warm clothes for them as Christmas was approaching. They made the clothes and hid them upstairs. On Christmas eve, at midnight, the elves came again and saw the beautiful, tiny clothes. The elves were so happy with their new clothes that they sang and danced all night. They now knew that Jo the shoemaker and his wife no longer needed their help, and went away to help someone else.